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Nutcracker 2011

Dreams DO come true . . .

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance.
~George Balanchine

Nutcracker, 2006

Nutcracker, 2011

Opening night!
Outside the Benedum's stage door entrance

With Daddy and Mommy after the big show!

Adrienne danced in ten performances . . .
Here she is with Gramma B and Pappa, after one of them.

And with Gramma and Grampa K, after another.

Some weekends were especially busy, so we
stayed in a hotel  . . . here Adrienne is ready to head
to a show, while Gramma and Grampa K babysit Anna Kathryn.

 Adrienne's cousins attended a performance!

Other family and friends attended as well,
including Adrienne's classmates and teacher!
Our sweet friend, Grace, came to a show!



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