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In China
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

I was so tired yesterday, I couldn't even figure out what to say. And I even forgot the Quote of the day!!!

Today, we woke up early as we had to be out the door at 8:30am to go get her pictures and then go over to the medical place. Elena finally ate something for breakfast. Her *grandmother* wrote she pretty much only ate congee for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She doesn't. At least not for us. We have yet to get a spoonful into her. But this morning she ate 4 mini muffins! Which is the most she has eaten since Tuesday, when she ate 2 slices of pizza.

And she has discovered granolas. John was eating one and of course, she needs to do everything he does. She seems to be a picky eater. Yikes! That will probably change when we get home. Slowly but surely.

At her medical examination, she was approved. Of course except for her walking. The chinese doctor thinks one leg is slightly smaller then the other too!! But that won't keep her here. She also got 6 shots. 6 SHOTS!!! Who does that? And you want to hear something amazing? She didn't cry. Well, that's not true. She cried when they tried to lift her pant leg up, she didn't like that at all. But when they were shooting needles into her, she just stared off into space, just accepting it.

When we first got her medicals, it said in her reports that she had months of acupuncture. I don't know what that does but I know it involves needles. In her report it said at first she would cry and flip out, but she eventually accepted it.


And can I say, she LOVES LOVES LOVES being pushed on her stroller. She will go sit in it and call her daddy and point to the back to show him where to go. It is comical. We had to hide it in the closet or she won't get out of it.

We also went window shopping down the street. We didn't buy anything, which someone should pat us on the back, because these ladies are ruthless, pressuring for us to buy something. I figure we have all week. No rush.

John is slightly annoyed at the fact that there is no coffee to be found anywhere. We found the Starbucks, which is the only place on the island that seems to sell it. When you come from a place, that if you are desperate enough, just pull into the gas station for coffee because it is sold everywhere, and you show up here, where it is all about tea...


Tomorrow we are going to a church that has service in English.

I miss church.

I miss home.

But she is worth being here.

The little old lady texting, from yesterday.

Skipping down the street with daddy.

Walking down the scary hallway. But only scary for the parents.

Making daddy push her around the room.

Our section.

The statue, I think that makes fun of us tourists. lol.

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