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Trip to China
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The day started at 5 a.m., leaving for the airport. Getting through security went smoothly and quickly, and then we met our friends Joy and Seldon, and Debbie and Gary. We would embark on the entire 28 hours of travel with them! We have all been part of the original travel group for May 15, 2006, and have gotten to know them very well over the last 4 plus years. It has been nice having other mommies in the same situation that I am in, to talk to and be there for. So my day of tears started. Talking to my dad, I choked myself up, getting out of the car at the airport, more choking back tears, security, tears, seeing the plane, tears, taking off, tears, leaving Chicago, landing in Beijing……yep, tears. Phew by 7 (local time) I was emotionally drained.

I am sorry but the plane ride is AWFUL, actually no, more like torturous. So hopefully this is like childbirth where most moms say that they forgot or they would not have another baby. I don’t think that people who make this trip stress the horrible-ness of sitting in one place for 13 hours! Tom is a GREAT traveler and also commented that the trip was bad, so if he says that you know that I am not just being dramatic. One tip, we were able to get seats in Economy Plus, this gives you 5 extra (needed) inches of legroom. I cannot imagine not having this luxury.

Like all other families who write on MAW, there is truly not much to report on the first travel day! Beijing is like all other big cities of the world. Think crowed like NYC, but really clean like Toronto…but crazy traffic like….well….Beijing. There are busses and cars, pedestrians and bikes driving everywhere, honking and cutting each other off. The highway that we used to get to the city had the most beautiful landscaping bordering both sides. The billboards are familiar when looking at the pictures, but the advertisements are all in Chinese symbols. I guess being so tired I was not emotionally invested in being scared or nervous, just anxious to get to the hotel to get a shower, some food and go to sleep. We ate in the hotel restaurant, not very exciting, I know….but nonetheless, it was food. I am so excited but I found more than rice to eat! There was the most excellent beef on the buffet. Drinks are served with no ice, and there was not light Coke (diet), so Sunkist (I think) it was! The bed was not hard, like I feared after reading other families posts. And there are lots of things to watch on t.v.

Did I mention the plane ride is bad?

Until tomorrow…I mean today, tomorrow? This time change is confusing!

Not too many days until Eliana!

Tom and Melissa in CLE

Self portrait on the plane!

After 28 hours of travel

In Beijing with Terra Cotta Warrior Replicas

Our travel mates on the plane

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