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In China
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kaden went down easily last night and slept relatively well through the night with only occasional coughing. This morning we went back to the civil affairs office for the official adoption process. We had to answer some questions about why we wanted to adopt from China and we had to promise that we would never abandon or abuse our son. We signed more paperwork and did our thumbprints...and then that was it. He was ours...an official Alcala!

We ventured out and braved a mall to buy some shoes for Kaden and some groceries. The hardest part is dodging the traffic...motorized bikes EVERYWHERE! And in a city of more than 8 million, it's a bit like playing Frogger!

More fun playing back at the hotel and watching Kaden be a ham. We are truly enjoying this bonding time and are so grateful that the transition has been relatively easy for him. Yet another answer to prayer.

Signing adoption paperwork

It's official!

Picture with some of the caretakers from Kaden's orphanage

Another fun day playing

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