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In China
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am posting this from the LAX Airport! We are waiting for our connection to Ruby Mei! Sienna has officially been welcomed into the U.S.A!! She is now one of our newest citizens! She did fabulous on the flight from China. Hopefully, she will hang in there for the last leg of our journey home!

Our last day in Guangzhou was filled with doing the last minute things we missed doing while Sienna was sick. The weather was beautiful, so we were able to walk around in the morning and enjoy the sunshine. Squeaky shoes were on the shopping list for her along with a few other things. Jeff was able to run to the Pearl Market to buy his newest daughter a beautiful string of pearls and a piece of jade. Just like he bought Ruby and Ainsley in 2007.

At 3:30 we joined multiple other families at the U.S. Consulate for our swearing in ceremony. It was wonderful to see so many children coming home! As promised Sienna’s Visa was ready. Two hours later we were on our way to the airport! Our time in China was complete!

Thank you again for the amazing support you have poured out on our family.

We look forward to posting soon from home!

“A journey of a 1000 miles
must begin with a single step!”
~Ancient Chinese Proverb

Diana, Jeff, Ainsley & Sienna

Last Chinese Breakfast at the White Swan

Dressed up with Jie Jie


A very short Red Couch Photo Shoot

Beautiful day for shopping and exploring Shamian Island

Always safe with Jie Jie's hand in mine

At the Park for the first time together!

Ready to go!

Our Gaurdian Angel (guide) in China - Michelle

Sienna Grace signing off from China!

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