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About Baby Bria   Surprise Update on Baby Bria!

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above."
-James 1:17

Dear Friends and Family,

On June 26th we received the most amazing phone call of our lives. We have a daughter!! James was at home and I was on my way home from work. James three-way called me and I will never forget those words “Honey, Beth is on the phone.” She is with our agency, Great Wall China Adoption, and she had the information we had been waiting on for years! I had to pull over because I was already crying and I had not even heard one word about our little sweetie yet!

She told us some general information about her and then she said “she has hair going everywhere and she has a cute little face.” I cried all the way home. I was so overwhelmed with love and joy for our new baby girl! We sat at the computer for the next three hours waiting to see her precious face for the first time.

The email finally came and WOW she was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! Perfect, Perfect, Perfect!!!! What an amazing feeling to have a face to put with all this love that has been building in our hearts.

Meaning of Bria: strong, virtuous, honorable woman

We are so excited to share with you all we know about our sweet Baby Bria. She was born July 5, 2005, near Long Kong village in Fengdu county, Chongqing Province. She entered the Fengdu Social Welfare Institute on July 8, 2005. She weighed 7.7 pounds and was 20 inches long. She was healthy, normal, and cried loudly!! She was named Feng FuYin. “Feng” is her last name which is given to all of the children in her institute, “Fu” means happiness and “Yin” means grass. She is called Yin Yin by her aunties.

Her growth chart has progressed normally. She has continued to gain weight and get taller each month. The most recent weight was from April 6, 2006, when she was 8 months old. She weighed 14.96 pounds and was 25 inches. She’s a petite precious girl!

When she was 2 months old she would smile unconsciously when she was sleeping, and by 3 months her eyes would focus on moving objects (very important to me..), and she smiled and babbled when played with. When she was 4 months old she could raise her head when lying on her stomach. Her head could turn with sounds or moving objects. She was able to “burble.” At 5 months, she could roll over and was still smiling when played with. When she was 6 months, she was able to grasp objects, and when holding a toy that made sounds, she would shake it. She enjoys red, green, and blue toys and toys that make sounds. She would say “yaya” when she was happy. At 8 months she was walking in the baby-car. She is described as a lovely, gentle girl who likes to smile. What more could we ask for—she is perfect!!!!!!!

We want to thank you all for your prayers throughout this entire process, and we thank you for sharing in our joy as we continue this journey to our precious baby girl!

With Love and Anticipation,

Bria’s Mommy & Daddy

Angela & James

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." -Proverbs 31:10

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