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We're Home

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bella has been home for 6 months now. Upon our first touchdown in the USA, we headed to the Emergency Room at our local children’s hospital. Bella had a lot of initial medical issues related to her spina bifida that needed to be resolved. Once we began a program to assist her with her urological issues and GI issues, we began to see a whole new side to little Bella. Once a quiet, introverted, cautious little girl; Bella is now humorous, outgoing, confident and just plain adorable.

In December, Bella has her first major surgery here in the United States. She has a portion of a lipoma removed from her hip as well as spinal cord repair surgery due to a tethered spinal cord. The surgery was not a walk in the park- in fact she had to lay flat on her back for quite some time. Unfortunately, Bella had to have a second surgery in January 2011. This was another major spinal surgery and she was off of her feet for a full 4 weeks. We had a rough winter, needless to say.

However, spring is here and our girl is blossoming. Bella is super-duper smart. She has learned lots and currently she uses more than 75 words in English. Bella can understand commands in Mandarin still and will communicate simple phrases with Braxton, Breanna, or mama in Mandarin. Bella still occasionally makes requests in Mandarin and fortunately, for the most part, we understand those requests and honor them when appropriate. She can chain 2-3 English words together to express an organized thought or request. She can follow single commands and occasionally two-part commands. She will attempt to imitate any word when asked to. Bella can count to 10 in Mandarin and she can count to 3 in English. She can identify and call each family member and extended family member by name (and that is no small task). She can receptively and expressively identify her body parts including: eyes, nose, ears, hair, head, mouth, arm, foot, bottom, arm, chin, cheek, stomach, and leg. She knows sign language for the following words: more, thank you, all done, please, bored, bye bye, fish, rain, cracker, chicken, dog, cat, and bird. She can verbally tell us the sounds that farm animals make. Bella understands humor and uses words to express her humorous side as she likes to tease and play jokes. She likes to play peek-a-boo, hide and seek, and duck duck goose. She likes to sing songs that involve motions and hand gestures. She imitates extremely well. She can now walk, climb, push a doll stroller or play shopping cart, stack blocks, imitate block structures, write with a pencil or crayon, clap, sing, imitate gross motor motions. She can recognize emotions in others and will respond appropriately to others emotions (offers blanket and pat when someone is sad, laughs when someone is funny, watches intently at a distance if someone if angry, offers blanket is someone is tired). Bella can pretend play with dolls, play kitchen food, cars and trucks, and play animals. Bella knows how to share and yet age appropriately recognizes which objects solely belong to her. Bella loves books, bubbles, songs, music, Curious George, Mulan, blocks, Lego, puzzles (though she is still learning how to do peg puzzles independently), going outside, going to church, seeing her grandparents regularly, and playing with dolls. Bella does not like dogs but has learned to observe them from a distance without crying. Bella likes clowns and she likes other children. Bella is friendly yet references mama when she is in the presence of strangers. If strangers get too close and are within her personal space, Bella appropriately tells them to "sit down". Bella cooperates with her doctors and follows directions extremely well. She is obedient and complies with most requests made of her. Bella is very affectionate. She likes to share hugs and kisses with her family and will request to be picked up when she wants attention from her parents or her siblings.

Bella is outgoing, funny, charming, humorous, active, and beautiful. She is obedient, loving, and very well adjusted. She is a smart little girl who has brought such joy to our lives.

While we are so pleased with all of her progress, we know that we owe all of the glory to God. Adopting a child with special needs is not always easy. However, we are truly blessed to have front row seats to God’s miraculous hand in her life. Not many people get to look a doctor in the eyes when he tells you that your daughter’s ability to walk is nothing short of a miracle. Not many people get to spend time in hospital surgical waiting rooms looking into the faces of other parents whose children may not live another day to be gently reminded that each day is a gift- an opportunity- a blessing. Bella has had a rough start, but spring is here and all we can see now are the amazing blossoms in her life and ours.


Bella Trinity

Feeling better

Winter is gone and Spring is here

Sweet Bella


Thoughtful Bella

Team Wong

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