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Journey to Cole

Our Journey to Cole has been one amazing blessing after another. We began not knowing how we were going to fund the adoption but we knew that it was God’s will for him to be a part of our family. We had a garage sale, a tennis tournament and I sold things in several consignment sales. However, we still lacked a large portion of the money we knew we would need. My sister had the idea of doing a fund raiser for us and at first I was very unsure and I felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing. I was actually feeling bad for her because she was being so kind and I did not want her to feel bad if it was not successful. We talked about it and she said that if God was going to do something we had to give him the chance!! She was hoping we would raise $1000 and I was just hoping we would raise the money she spent on the camera. Boy, were we wrong!!! He showed up BIG!!! Not only did we raise over $7000.00, but we received a grant for $3000.00 from the Elison Project!! I cannot believe how we underestimated Him and when I look back on last few months I am still blown away by all of the support we received during and after our fund raiser. There are so many people whom I would like to thank for their kindness, generosity, selflessness, and prayers!! You have all given me such a precious gift. Not only am I going to China to get my cherished son, but I have witnessed first hand God’s miracles in my own life and I will be forever changed!! We are truly blessed!!!


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