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Waiting for Referral
December 2006  |  May 2007  December 2007  December 2008  October 2010

October 2010

I know, you all are saying that we had four and a half years, why aren’t you ready…Here is an explanation (ok an excuse :)). When our paperwork went to China in 2006, it was full steam ahead. We started getting the room ready, buying baby clothes, and baby proofing the house. But as weeks turned to months, and months turned to years, the wait became harder and harder, and quite frankly frustrating. So all of the preparations came to a screeching halt.

Fast forward to August 2010…the call that we had finally become parents restored our gusto. But as many of you know preparing for a baby should take nine months, and we only had 2. So it has been a whirlwind of showers, shopping, and shaping up the room.

I need to thank all of my family and friends for their endless support. I was blessed with not one, but three showers. My first “shower” was at Old Bag of Nails. Paulette, Ali, and Kim can really throw an Adoption Celebration filled with fun, festivities, and an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G cake! My mom and mother in law threw the second shower. It was at an Italian restaurant near where I grew up. Family and friends gathered to share stories and advice, and eat great food. Finally, that same weekend, Becki and Laura threw shower number 3! Their invitation came bearing a ladybug and Eliana’s picture on the return address labels. The theme continued with ladybugs all over the house and red and black decorations throughout! PHEW! I am tired.

After the afterglow of the parties wore off it was time to prepare to actually travel to China. Which takes us to the past 2 weeks…

The theme of the past two weeks has been lists. To-do lists to be exact. When Tom and I cross one thing off of a list, 3 more replace it! The two biggest challenges have been deciding which size clothes to take for Eliana, and staying within the weight limit for the in-China flights. Packing has monopolized our conversations…so tonight on and off the scale we stepped to make sure that the checked bags were within the (ridiculously small) limit. I think that we are successful…only the scale at the airport will tell.


Mother's shower

October 10th shower

School adoption celebration

Tom and Melissa with packet

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