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In China
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Short report today. We visited a beautiful place called Shamian Island, which has a French/ Louisiana feel. It was sprinkling all morning, but not very cold. Kaden of course refused to wear a hat and loved the rain drops hitting his face. He would just look up and giggle. This truly might be his first experience with rain.

However, he was not feeling well again today. He was just kinda "off" all morning. And after his nap, he really didn't want to play much and just wanted to lay around. He has a very mild fever today and isn't really interested in eating or drinking...so we definitely know he's not feeling good.

We also got to go to a lovely little church today on Shamian Island where they had a beautiful worship service. It was wonderful to see that these people could worship God freely now in China (still under some regulation, but legal now).

So we don't have a lot of exciting pictures for the update today since Kaden (the star of the show) was under the weather. Hopefully better tomorrow.

Shamian Island

Shamian Church

This was Kaden pretty much all day...feelin' crummy

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