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Trip to China
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

This will be a quick update tonight! We did the usual: got up and ate breakfast. We sat with one of the other families in our group and had lovely conversation. At 9:30am we left for some touring. I was very surprised to pull up to the Chen Family Museum! I just visited this site 2 days ago! We had fun walking around as there were many other adoptive families from different agencies also touring this site.

Afterwards we visited a local shopping area. We didn’t buy anything because items can be found for much cheaper on Shamian Island. We arrived back to the hotel and we went to lunch at Lucy’s. Afterwards we walked back to the hotel and set the girls up for their naps. I had to leave at 2:30pm to do paperwork with our group for the Consulate Appt.

I arrived back at the room at 3:30pm and a small group of us left for the Carrefor (like Wal-mart). We shopped for about 2 hours and we returned to the hotel at 6:30pm. We decided on Subway for dinner and ate in the room. We visited briefly with one of the other families in our group and then it was bath and bed for the girls.

Tomorrow we head back to the medical exam building to have Ava’s TB test read. We will then be going on a Pedestrian Street Tour. More tomorrow!


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