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Trip to China
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Friday, November 9, 2007

Thanks to all those who have signed our guestbook. We read all the entries and love hearing from everyone back home as well as other fellow “My Adoption Website” families.

Sorry for the short post yesterday-just too darn tired! Ella’s birthday was fun. Our group started out by shopping at the Guangzhou Metro Department Store. The store was enormous. Try putting one of our malls going straight up into a high rise building. We bought Ella a stroller, pj’s and a sweater. The prices in the mall are about the same in the United States so we did not by much. Around the mall there are about 100 different shops selling everything you can imagine so we bought Ella some Disney DVD and CD in Mandarin.

Later in the afternoon, Ella had her medical exam to be approved for her Visa into the United States. The doctors checked out her heart and told us that her heart sounds very healthy. Although, the doctors told us that her bronchitis is not clearing up so we are going to have to take her back into the doctor on Sunday for some more antibiotics.

We went to dinner with some people in our group and had a lot of laughs.

Today our group ventured out to the oldest Buddha Temple in Guangzhou. We were able to watch a special Buddha ceremony. When Ella heard the Monks chanting, she put her hands together and chanted along with them…so funny. Next, we went to the Chen Family Gardens which was built by the Chen Family. Apparently in the providence of Guangzhou, Chen is the most popular last name and since there are so many of them, they built a beautiful place for all the Chen families to come celebrate their heritage. The place is open to the public and I bought the most gorgeous embroidered hanging for our home made by some famous artist-last name Chen. Last, we headed off to the Jade Market. Jade is very symbolic here in China so we see a lot of Chinese women wearing Jade.

We just found out that Ella is Cantonese. (Hello-I think Ella’s parents need to brush up on their Chinese History.) Apparently, the Guangdong Providence used to be called Canton and since Ella was born in Huizhou, she is Cantonese. She does not speak Cantonese because her nannies at the orphanage spoke Mandarin. (Henry: When we come to SoCal to have a feast in Ella’s honor, could you get a PowerPoint presentation ready about the history of the Cantonese people-I’d appreciate it. HaHa =)

Ella has been so much fun. I cannot believe what a miracle this whole adoption process has been. Bart and I scratch our heads about the fact that half way around the world is the most perfect child to add to our family. We are in awe about how much she is so like us. Ella is the perfect combination of our three children and she laughs just like her daddy. She is so funny and so smart and so sweet. Ella was definitely meant to be in our home and we are so in love with this special little spirit that has been brought into our lives. We are so lucky and blessed.

Birthday Girl

Make A Wish

Humidity + No Hair Dryer=Bad Hair

Chen Family Center

Addy, Grace and Ella   

Try On Mom's Shades

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