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Trip to China
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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Last night, we went to a Cantonese Restaurant. Dad and Ella ate live fungus for an appetizer. I was hoping they served bean dip-Gecko Grill style, but no such luck. When we walked into the front of the restaurant, the food you can order is swimming/crawling in tanks. Nothing like looking at live water beetles or silkworm crawling around a tank and thinking that people actually eat that stuff. I had to hold my breath as we walk past because I thought the smell was going to do me in. The food ended up being good-we stuck to vegetables.

Today is a down day. We went to the park and walk around island and tonight we are going to a group dinner at the Cow and Bridge Thai Restaurant. Our group is celebrating Ella birthday tonight so we went and bought a cake for the occasion. We have the most incredible people in our group. All the families in our group belong to the same agency and all but one in our group adopted a little girl with special needs. The families come from all over the United States and are so much fun. Whenever we are out on our group activities we are all sharing stories and laughing so hard that I can not imagine going through this process without them. Every little girl in our group is absolutely gorgeous-we have the cutest babies. All of our girls have come from the Guangdong providence so we will all be here in Guangzhou for the same amount of time. Great group of people-lifetime friends through this experience.

Onto an Ella update: The honeymoon is sort of over. Ella has officially turned into our kid! She has figured out how to push our buttons. Nothing big-tiny tantrums at bedtime, gets mad if we won’t let her drink our Sprite and when she is done walking she will just sit down until one of us picks her up-even if we have a stand off with her she won’t budge until we cave in and pick her up. Ella has her dad so wrapped around her finger that I have to send him out of the room at night to get her to bed because he thinks everything she does is funny and cute-no discipline. Yesterday at breakfast Ella was begging for some more bacon and I told Bart that Ella could not have any more bacon. I went to get some more oj and came back to Bart and Ella giggling…Bart gave her bacon. Ella knows her dad will give her anything so at times he is the favorite.

Madison-Good Luck with your voice competition. Bridger/Hunter-Good Luck with you football tournament. Dad and Mom are missing you guys and can’t wait to come home. Only one more week. Grandma said you guys are doing awesome!

K/Becky-If you were assigned China, would you be stationed here in Guangzhou? Bart and I are having a small discussion about what part of China you would be stationed in.


Singing Karaoke With A Flashlight

Singing In Mandarin

Group Dinner Celebrating Ella's B-Day

Blowing Out Candles

Yummy B-Day Cake 

Dinner Anyone?

We Heard It Tastes Like Chicken??

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