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Trip to China
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

The dinner cruise last night down the Pearl River was a hit. We had the opportunity to spend 2 hours aboard a cruise boat and see the sights of Guangzhou at night. Guangzhou is a very large city of 12 million people and there are high rise buildings and apartments everywhere. Guangzhou reminds me New York City when it comes to people walking all over the place; although, here in Guangzhou the people look like they are enjoying life…lots of laughing, smiles and families spending time with each other. Some of the buildings are very modern with elegant lighting. The cruise was a great way to see the city that is along the river all lit up at night. We also had the privilege of meeting some other CCAI families that joined up with our group staying here in Guangzhou.

The swearing in process was very simple. We went to the US Consulate and showed them our passport pictures, raised our right hand and swore that everything that we had claimed on our adoption paperwork was true. There were 56 American families taking the oath today. We were not allowed any cameras or video equipment at the facility so we do not have any pictures. We are finally finished with all of our appointments here in China. The last thing that we will have to do is to process Ella’s passport and visa information in Los Angeles…then it is onto home. Yeah!

Tonight, we had our last group dinner at the Cow and Bridge Restaurant. We all had one last laugh before leaving for the United States. I cried when I left my kids in the US and I cried when I had to say good-bye to these wonderful friends and their beautiful babies.

Since we are leaving tomorrow, I am going to get my thanks out now. A huge thank you to my mom for staying with the kids and running them all over the place while we were in China…I know you worked hard and I appreciate it. Thanks to my dad for giving up “Grandma” for two weeks, I am sure that you are sick of soup for dinner. Thanks to all of our family that has been so generous in their un-wavering support. Also, thanks to all of our friends who have been so charitable with comments and gifts. We are truly blessed to have great family and friends. Thanks to CCAI for being such an incredible adoption agency and to Jocelyn our guide here in China-she is the best. Thanks to Joe and Jennifer from My Adoption Website-you guys are awesome. And a huge THANKS to our beautiful and wonderful children who have been a so great and understanding during this whole adoption process…we are bringing home one funny, adorable sister.

Morning Fog On The Pearl River

Ella Loves Telling Us Secrets

Ella And Momma On Cruise

Just Being Cute

Last Dinner Group

Movie Being Filmed On Shamian Island

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