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Why China?    Back  Why China?  |  Why Guatemala?

Rachel blowing kisses to China

"Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the East and gather you from the West." Isaiah 43:5

The question that gets asked to us every time we say we are adopting from China is "Why China" so we thought we would answer a few questions.

1. Why China?
Lance and I have wanted a girl for so long that it just seemed fitting for us to adopt a girl from a foreign country. We felt because the Lord has provided us with so much, we could give a child wonderful opportunities here in the USA that she may not receive growing up in an orphanage in China.

China has a one child policy and everyone in China wants a boy to take care of the family. Many girls are left abandon in public areas and end up going into an orphanage. This makes the need for adoptive parents for Chinese girls very enormous. It made since to us, we would love a daughter and they had a need for us in China. Abandonment is against the law in China so the mother does risk punishment in order to give her daughter a chance for a family. We do not know how the Chinese women give their precious babies away, we have heard that some orphanages have women come by and just watch the children, hoping to catch a glimpse of their daughter. The orphanages just tell them to get on with there life and the children in the orphanages have very good chances of getting loving homes in the USA.

2. Why not adopt here in the USA?
Many, Many couples are wanting a newborn baby here in the USA. Lance and I agreed that we have done the newborn stage and we didn't necessarily need a newborn, plus we found domestic adoption usually has a lot of emotional and legal risks. Birth parents can change their minds, or the adoptions tend to be open which means someone from the birth family would want to have visitation rights. We want a daughter, our daughter and no one else's. She will be ours forever and ever. We are excited to have a multi-cultural family, and will continue to learn about China as a family.

3. How old will she be when you get her?
We have requested 6-12 months. We also requested twins! Although the likely hood is very slim. We have heard it takes up to 6 months to declare a child legally abandoned in China, that is why she will be at least 6 months old.

4. How long is the process?
When we started the adoption process is was supposed to be 10 months from when you turned in your Dossier to CCAI. Now the timeline has increased to 2 - 4 years. Please continue to pray for this timeline to decrease. The Dossier took about 5 months to complete. After our referral we will travel to China about 6 weeks later to pick up our angel!

5. How long will you be in China?
About two weeks.

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