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Why Adoption?

We are Kelly and Eric, and are blessed to have three wonderful sons, Joe, Kegan and Toby (who are 15, 13 & 11 years old). We look at our boys and wonder where the time has gone and how in the world it is that we have a child who is a sophomore in high school already and how our “baby” could be in the 6th grade.

As a girl, I imagined myself having a daughter some day. Well, when I had children, we had boys….one right after the other, each only 23-26 months apart. Our house was filled with trucks and balls and weapons and missiles and superheroes. It was loud and it was busy. At Halloween, we had goblins and vampires and ghosts and pirates. We had phantoms and spiders and even a Sumo Wrestler! There were no bunnies or kitties or princesses or brides in our family in October (although one year our boys, plus our two nephews, dressed up as cheerleaders -- and it was all their idea!).

What we didn't have was a single thing in the house with pink or lavender on it. We had no dressy dresses, patent leather shoes, tutus or fairy wings. Until I received one as a 'gag gift' from my sister for Christmas, we didn't have a single tiara in the house! We had no magic wands or feather boas or chunky plastic jewels. No baby dolls, or Barbie Dolls or Polly Pockets. The boys have always been into every sport imaginable, but we didn't have any little gymnasts or ballerinas or get to attend dance recitals.

When our youngest son went off to school for full days in the first grade, it was an awful day for a stay-at-home mom. Sometimes he and his brothers mistakenly called me "Mrs._______" (fill in the blank with the name of the current teacher), and I knew the three of them were going through that normal process of growing up.

Years earlier (just after our youngest was born) we had agreed that three boys was enough (which was understandable, as we had a newborn, two and four year-olds and it was overwhelming!).

Our Family

Big brothers, Toby & Kegan

Big brother Joe w/Rudy
However, five years later, we came to realize that we still had room in our hearts, lives and home for another child. We were ready to become parents once again but this time, we were really hoping for a daughter (we love, love, love our boys, don't get me wrong!). With our track record of producing sons, we agreed to not take the chance of getting pregnant and turned instead to adoption. However, the boys (then 5, 7 & 9) didn't like the idea at all. And so, with 3/5 of the family against adding a fourth child to the family, we put the idea on hold and waited. And prayed.

We spent a lot of time in prayer over this monumental decision. Adoption was often spoken of in our household, and the boys were aware that Mom and Dad still wanted to adopt a little girl. Slowly, over the course of several months, their ideas about adoption started to change. Their reasons for not wanting a little sister were varied (most of them involved an aversion to "girly" toys, dolls and clothes!) but mostly, I think, the boys were uncertain about adopting a child from another country.

During the summer of 2003, our older boys began helping in the '2 and 3 years-old' class at church, and played with one little girl who had been adopted as an infant from Korea. Shortly thereafter, our oldest and youngest sons became great friends with boys who also had been adopted from Korea as infants, and as those relationships grew, the our children's attitudes began changing. All of a sudden, it seemed the idea of having a sister born in a different country wasn't so unthinkable.

This process took years, but one day, in December of 2004, our prayers were answered when the boys brought up the subject of adoption and asked us if we could go ahead with it. Together, then, our family plunged into the world of international adoption. After researching adoption agencies, we settled on Great Wall China Adoptions and began to “paperchase” in March of 2005. Our dossier was sent to China in July and we received word back from Great Wall that our Log In Date (LID) was July 20, 2005.

Thus, the waiting phase of our journey began. What began as a relatively quick process (6-8 months from LID until Referral), stretched out to more than 13 months. The wait, at times, was excruciating, but the moment we got "the call" from Great Wall, and saw Katie's darling face for the first time, we knew it had all been worth it.

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