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Tuesday, August 1, 2006

We are sitting in the hotel room with all our packed bags around us as we wait for the bellman to bring them down to the lobby and then it is off to the Guangzhou airport to head out for Hong Kong. We have been pondering the changes we’ve taken on during the past two weeks…an extra suitcase, an extra child, an extra ten pounds a piece we’ve personally volunteered to carry home in our tummies. :) We are very fat and happy.

Our hearts are even fuller with love and thanksgiving for the many, many blessings we’ve received. Gracie was a true gift and we will always be thankful to God for bringing her to us and to her birthmother for the sacrifice she made in giving her up. We can’t know her motivations, but we do know what an incredible sacrifice it must be to miss out on being a part of sweet little Gracie’s life. Each smile and giggle from her has been a treasure and every time she will give in and relax and cuddle in our arms, we are so content. It has been a marvelous journey.

We just want to take a second to thank all the wonderful people who have taken care of our kids while we have been here with Grace. Thank you for all the play dates you have brought them on, the meals you have brought over for them to enjoy, and all the love you have bestowed upon them. They feel so loved and really special, and we have felt really overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you! Thanks also to Mummy and Daddy for taking on caring for Jack, Lily, and Hannah for more than two weeks solo!!!!!! It has been so much easier to be here knowing that they are so happy there with you. They have such busy little lives, and you totally stepped up to the plate to shuttle them about and keep them on track…we love you so much. Thank you! Thank you to all the friends we’ve met and “friends” we’ve never met :) who have visited our guestbook and left us such great advice and encouragement as well. I never realized how much that meant to people far from home. It is amazing.

Gracie is not happy to pose with the other children
following the teacher to music school.

Happy, happy Gracie eating breakfast

Happy, happy Mama holding Gracie on the red couch
Thank you to Lifeline and Karla for bringing Gracie into our family and for seeing us through the entire process of getting to her and bringing her home….we so appreciate you!!!! Lifeline rocks! :) And thank you to everyone who has been supporting us from the beginning of this Journey to Grace and lifting up our family in prayer. Gracie is doing so much better as are we and we know that that was really the most important thing that anyone could give or do for us. Thank you!!!!!!!! We are so grateful for all of you!!!!!!

On to Hong Kong!

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