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In China
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We are in Nanchang China in the Jiangxi Province ~
this is where Rylie is from.
Here is Mary and Rylie sightseeing at the Peoples Park in Nanchang.
It's a beautiful park in the middle of this very busy city.

Here we all are at the entrance to the Peoples Park.
Hundreds of people come out to the park every morning from 6:00 to 8:00AM to exercise. Our hotel has a gym/exercise room so Mary and I can workout. Rylie has been a Benson for 3 days and has already been to the gym ~
I know that surprises you : )

We found out Rylie loves to slurp noodles as part of a meal.
Here we are enjoying a few together. She also likes steamed eggs and rice in addition to traditional baby food. She has a good apatite for such a small little girl.

Here we are sightseeing at the TengWang Pavilion
also located in Nanchang.

Here is Rylie and I at the top of the TegWang Pavilion in Nanchang.
The view was unbelievable. It was a beautiful day ~ warm with a nice breeze.

Here is Rylie hanging out with Dad after her bath ~
how cute is this picture??
Mary and I think she is absolutely beautiful (okay, we may be a bit bias).

By the way taking a bath is Rylies least favorite activity.
Turns out she has really powerful lungs and can get surprisingly loud for such a small little thing. We don't mind at all - we're just happy to have her in our arms after such a long wait.

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