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Trip to China
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Well we had a little bit of a rough time before bed last night. Harper was fussy and screaming her head off for 2 hours straight. We knew she wasn't hungry so we just thought she was upset to be with us. To make matters worse when she was screaming she said, "Ma-Ma"! I am sure this was not directed towards me, but instead of me she was hoping for her foster mom to comfort her. It was so sad. We were at a loss on what to do. I just worry about her heart condition because when she gets upset she gets very sweaty and so worked up. I was trying to think of anything to calm her down and then I remembered she loves to watch people so I held her and took her into the hallway. We walked the floor and by the time it was dark and I was staring out at the very busy street. We are on the 15th floor so my view looking down is amazing. This is definitely authentic China! The streets are filled with people, cars, bikes and tons of lighted buildings. I could see my reflection and everything was quiet except Harper's screaming. In between the screams I would breathe a sigh of relief wondering how long the quietness would last before another full on freak out! I never thought I would be so content to listen to a child scream in my ear but it was so nice to feel so needed by a child. She clung to me and I thought wow this is amazing to be here. I just still feel like I need to pinch myself and say this is really happening. We just have waited for what seems like eternity to have her in our arms. After my all my deep thoughts I remembered my mom saying a baby only screams and cries for a couple of reasons -- one being gas. That was it! My mom's words of wisdom came through! I went back to the room and Todd fed the baby gas drops. We finally figured out how to get them in her mouth...yes it was a huge struggle but it worked! In just a short couple of minutes, the shrieking baby was sitting on the bed laughing and being silly! We were mad at ourselves that it took us so long to figure out what was causing her crying but I guess we now know the "pain cry!" By the way, the screaming was so bad that the man next to us asked to be moved!

She would not sleep in her crib last night. I guess the first night she was just shocked and rocked herself to sleep. I thought that might be her normal routine. I tried to put her in the crib and she just looked at me and then the whimpering began and huge crocodile tears. She reached her arms out so of course I picked her up and popped her in bed with me. She makes this sucking noise like a little squirrel when she falls asleep. Her little noises are so funny! Todd and I were so tired we didn't know if she would ever go to bed but she did and I fell asleep less than a minute later!

We thought we had this parenthood thing under control when we packed our daypack the night before and woke up 2 hours early to get ourselves showered and dressed. We soon realized how unpredictable parenthood is and that some things can't be planned! Harper woke up pretty happy! We are learning to give her space when she first wakes up as she is a bit disoriented. I am sure she is thinking to herself oh no I am still here! Todd made her a bottle and she took it right away. In fact she guzzled it. As Todd says we made a "rookie move". Within 5 minutes after downing the entire bottle in one fell swoop, she threw it all up all over the bed. I know everyone says that when it is your baby and she throws up you will be fine with it...uhmm no I wasn't -- she threw up on my bed and my favorite blanket! I covered up my grossed out feeling well because she was already upset so we went into parenthood mode and got her bathed... well half bathed because then she was kicking and screaming in the tub. This episode was throwing us off schedule and Todd and I thought we were prepared! Once again we were rushing around the room to get downstairs for breakfast and we had to meet our guide at a set time. It is amazing how many things you can do at once. I thought I was a great mutli-tasker before having Harper but literally this is insane!!!! We got her dressed into her cute little outfit I picked out for the Temple visit today. Todd gave her another bottle and again she drank it down fast. We were about ready to walk out the door and then boom...yep again she got sick all over her cute outfit. This time she did not cry and let us clean her up without a fit. We put on another outfit but every bottom I put on her falls off. I have no clue what size bottoms she will wear in American clothing. I did not bring anything small enough and I brought a ton of clothes! Her waist is so tiny! In tops and dresses she is probably 9-12 months. The majority of the clothing I brought is 12-18 months and big so I guess she will have quite the wardrobe next summer! We got her into her tiered skirt and I safety pinned the back of it.

Just as an FYI for other adoptive parents I know they say to bring very fast nipples but bring some other ones just in case. These are too fast for her. We switched to a smaller one and things are going much better we also realized that we need to let her only drink an ounce or two at a time. Parenthood would be a lot easier if children came with a manual! Ha!

At breakfast and dinner time the restaurant workers all fuss over her. She loves the attention and when she is sick of it she makes a huge pout face. It is so cute! She still looks sad today but definitely happy when she sees me and likes to grab my legs when I put her down. She trusts me thank goodness! The bonding process is going pretty smooth. I was prepared for the worst case scenario and I am just amazed and how strong of a little girl she is and how quickly she is taking to me.

Every morning we have some activities on our schedule. Today we would see one of the top three temples in China. The Temple of Tang Wang Ge is an impressive, majestic building looking over the Gan River to the west. It was originally built in memory of a Tang prince over 1,000 years ago, but has been rebuilt 26 times since then, the latest of these reconstructions taking place in 1989. Our guide just cracks me up. She has so many quirky stories and jokes. She made us guess how many concubines the Emperor had. Apparently more than Tiger Woods -- 3,000! She also informed Todd that on the year of his zodiac sign he needs to wear red underwear and then he will be lucky!! As they say in here the Jiangxi the women are spicy!! Ha!

The Temple was absolutely beautiful and although once again we were dripping in sweat it was amazing! The details are unbelievable and so are the views. The gardens are gorgeous and the whole area is calm and serene. Todd and I just kept commenting wow this is a once in a lifetime experience. We posed for a family picture in front of the temple and I relished in my new little family. It is no longer just about Todd and I but this little girl is ours and she wants every second of our attention and we are more than happy to provide her with it. We explored the 6 floors of the temple and people stopped and did a double take. They are surprised to see us with an Asian baby! We went to the top floor to watch the 600 year old musical show. It was very crowded and hot! There was a little bench that people were sitting on basically only 8 inches deep. I sat down next to a lady and I said one of the five words I know in Chinese, "Ni Hao", which means hello. She said it back and then began talking in Chinese back to me. I kept shaking my head saying I don't know anymore. Then she asked if the baby knows any? I said probably not. Her husband was intrigued with us as well and then took out his camera out and began flashing away. It reminded me of a time in Hawaii with my parents when they bought me a purple dragon that I carried everywhere. We were visiting Pearl Harbor and there was a crowd of people who were Asian and they took tons of pic with me holding the dragon. I was the center of attention that day and it seemed this moment was similar. We were the main show instead of the musical! Countless people came up and touched Harper and smiled but looked so perplexed. Our guide said, “I told you they will stare -- get used to it"! Harper loved all the attention and she flashed her crazy gorgeous smile. I whispered into her ear, "One day when you are famous they will say I saw her and took her picture when she was just a baby!” (LOL)

Harper just loves me -- so I hope! I can make her smile and laugh. She loves when I threw her up in the air and we play in the mirror together. She loves to kiss herself in the mirror too!!! What a girl! Harper has such a dynamic personality and she knows how to love, laugh and share. Someone very special must have taught her these things! She amazes me every minute on what she can already do! Most kids adopted at this age in China are not doing half of what she can. One thing we know is that she does not like dark -- even things slightly dark. When we were going through the different levels of the temple we would have to walk down a low lighted staircase and she was grimace and grip on to me tightly trying to crawl on top of my face! It feels so good to be her mommy and to protect her!!! I don't know how we lived a single day without her. Todd and Harper are starting to bond more and she loves taking food from him! He just thinks she is absolutely perfect and continues saying, “Can you believe we’re here and she’s ours?!?!”

Harper waking up after sleeping 11 hrs.! She sleeps very well but getting her to bed is tough even if she is sleeping with me in my bed.

Her 1st outfit of the day before she got sick from drinking her bottle too fast!

Her 2nd outfit of the day which would soon be covered in watermelon

Getting ready to climb up and down hundreds of stairs while holding a 20 lb. baby!

The three of us in front of the Tang Wang Ge Temple in Nanchang.

Our awesome guide, Karen, guiding and protecting us along the way. There were a lot of stares! She shaded us from the sun with a parasol and fanned us to keep us cool! I can get used to this treatment:)

The amazing details of the Temple

View of one of the Temple's gardens

Harper waking up from her nap and mommy grabbing a quick pic!

She is finally sitting with daddy and letting him feed her! Hooray! Now maybe tomorrow she will let him carry her so mommy's arms don't fall off:)
Todd and I were pretty wiped after that walk and my arms hurt so badly from carrying Harper all over. She was exhausted so we decided that was enough for today and went back to our room for naptime. As she slept Todd and I talked about our next day and started to second guess our decision about visiting the orphanage and Harper's foster mom. We were so elated when we found out weeks ago that we could meet the foster mom. What a blessing! Harper only spent one night in the orphanage on April 21, 2009 and the very next day she was given to her foster mom so she had been with her for quite a while. This orphanage can be tough and not everyone is given the privilege to see the orphanage or to meet the foster mom. Things are kept private and we will never have a way of contacting her after our visit. We can send updates to the orphanage and hope they pass them on but are it not guaranteed. It is forbidden for us to exchange contact info and we have had stories of the foster parents hiding their address in the child's clothing. But now that we are here and Harper has been with us for 48 hours. We are nervous this may not be the best idea. We feel that we might have to start all over again with her grieving and trusting us. I know it will be a very tough day for all of us but how can we have come this far and not get some closure for ourselves? I know it sound a bit selfish but in another way I hope it provides closure for the foster mom as well. In addition, we really wanted to capture this meeting to show Harper later in life who her foster mom was. I am certain she loved this little girl with everything she had. I want the foster mother to see with her own eyes that we love Haper as much as she does and that my heart grieves for her loss. Agh and now I need to try to sleep…yeah right! I know parenthood is filled with very tough decisions I just hope we made the right one.

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