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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wow where has the time gone? It's been 18 months since Jenna became an official member of our family. At times it seems like we were just in China, but other times it seems like I can't remember life with out her.

So many things have happened since our last update. Jenna started preschool in August 2009 and is doing great! She excels in almost every area (especially talking). She is for intelligent and very social. She also started ballet and tap dancing this past fall. She had her first performance in December in front of about 300 people. They did the nut cracker and she was a star, She did all the dance moves and made sure to boss the little girl next to her making sure she was doing them correctly as well.

We enjoyed our holidays once again this year. She knew more about each one and really got into the whole Christmas season this year.

She is a very good and loving little girl. She never meets a stranger, she's a real social butterfly. We are so lucky and blessed to have her as our daughter. She is a perfect match, God knew exactly which family she belong with that's for sure.

Enjoy the pictures . . .


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