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Sunday, March 29, 2009

9 months! Time is going by so quickly, we really wish it would slow down a bit. It was one year ago yesterday that we received the phone we had been praying years for declaring we finally had our little girl! 9 months ago today we were able to see and hold her for the first time. The miracle of this process that united our family to this perfect little girl will always amaze me as she truly is a perfect match for our family.

Jenna has changed so much in 9 months you would hardly believe it is the same child. She was very tiny, frail, and some what withdrawn the first days with us. She only weighed 19 pounds when we got her and she was 3 years old. She is now weighing 26 pounds, her little cheeks are now full, her hair has grown many inches and she is very healthy. Jenna is full of personality, she never meets a stranger. She is very loud and her giggles will melt your heart.

Jenna speaks all English and can say anything she wants using full sentences, it's amazing to think how quickly she picked up English. She knows her numbers up to 10, most of her ABC's, the basic shapes, all her colors, she can ride her tricycle and loves to dance. She will be starting dance classes in a few weeks. She is a fairly picky eater these days, but I think most toddlers go through that. She loves Disney princess toys and movies along with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We are planning a Disney World vacation the first week of June, we are very excited about that.

Our family is so lucky to have this amazing little girl and there isn't day that goes by that we don't thank God for blessing us with her.

We are all ready for the summer we will update again in June, for our one year Gotcha and Jenna's 4th birthday!

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