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Trip to China
Itinerary  |  August 24  |  August 25  |  August 26  |  August 27  |  August 28  |  August 29

|  August 30  |  August 31  |  September 1  |  September 2  |  September 3  |  September 4
|  September 5  |  September 6

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Another Great Day!!

Today we went to the Chongqing Zoo and were able to see the Panda Bears. They were beautiful! Afterwards, we went to WAL-MART!!!! Wal-Mart here is 3 stories!! They have escalators between the floors that you can ride on with your shopping cart—very different! We were able to buy some split pants to bring home to show everyone, but don’t worry, Bria will not wear them!!

This afternoon we had a play date with several of the other babies in the hotel play room. They all had lots of fun and interacted so well. Bria was so sweet! She would crawl away from me and play for a minute or so and then turn around and crawl back up on my lap. I would give her a big hug and kiss, and then she would want down and go back to playing. While playing she kept looking back to make sure I was still there. Once a few babies had left, James came down and sat by the babies but across from me and Bria. She crawled across the group to go to him as soon as she spotted him. She is doing very, very well!!

She continues to be a precious angel with lots and lots of smiles!! She and Kaden both draw so much attention—we are mobbed everywhere we go. We love to TRY to communicate with the Chinese people. Thankfully, our guide gave us a card in Chinese that explains that we are adopting and tells where she is from, how old she is, and that she will go back to America with us. So far, everyone who reads it is so happy and thanks us for loving one of their girls. It is very nice to know that they support what we are doing!

Beautiful Girl!!
She didn't even take the hat off!

Chongqing Zoo--Panda Bears! Look in the background

Bria & Eliza who is 9 months old

A fun trip to Wal-Mart

I am sooo cute!!

My first playdate

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