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Trip to China
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rob posting again. We discovered that if you feed Lexi before nap or bedtime, she is much more agreeable to sleep. She is warming up to me and let me carry her down to breakfast. As long as she can see mommy, I think we’re OK. What a peanut! She weighs less than we thought, only 14.5 pounds. Zoe wants to carry her mei mei everywhere and asks to do it about a hundred times a day! She’s a sweet, conscientious big sister. She feeds Lexi a bottle now, which is adorable to watch.

Also, Lexi’s ticklish! She smiles a bit and giggles when we tickle her.

Yesterday, Zoe and I bought swimsuits to go swimming. My suit was size XXXL, labeled “For Fatso” (seriously) and is a friggin’ speedo! Zoe says, “Daddy, you have to put your fatso suit on so we can go swimming.” Thanks, pumpkin.

We went to a wonderful park that had a huge Chinese pavilion (Teng Wang Pavilion) like you see in books and the movies. Unbelievably beautiful, really! I took lots of pictures. Zoe had to go potty after we had climbed hundreds of stairs and taken an elevator to the top, and the guide suggested that Susan hold her over the giant ashtray container to pee! There was already pee in it from some other little pumpkin, but we opted to go back outside to the outdoor potties. (I had to pee too, and considered the giant ashtray; but, I was a little shy because there were so many people around.)

Then, we decided to go to McDonald’s, which never tasted so good! We are sick and tired of noodles, noodles, and more noodles… and lots of junk food. Sweet Jesus, I can’t wait to taste a salad.

We walked through an indoor Chinese market, stepping over the live soon-to-be-dead geese and chickens (and their poop, too!). Something that looked like a skinned half-snake/half-chicken thing was drying with a dozen other skinned things like drapes in the window. What a National Geographic experience.

We smelled the smell of something smelly on more than one occasion.

Then it was off to a local department store where they are doing renovations right out in the open, sawing, hammering, etc. without any signage like you would see in the States. There are people every, every, every, everywhere. Did I mention that there are people everywhere?

Once again, we had phenomenal Chinese food at a Chinese restaurant for dinner. Lexi enjoyed her bath tonight, so that’s progress. Now, we’re sitting around just being a family. Neato.

The Peanut and daddy.

The old and the new.

A cool perspective.



My XXXL swimsuit.

Out for a swim.

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