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Trip to China
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sorry for the late post, it was a crazy day.

Yesterday we made our way to the final leg of our trip, Guangzhou. Zoe was not acting like her usual self, and threw up while getting off the bus at the Nanchang airport. Thankfully she was standing up and it landed on the floor in front of her rather than all over her clothing. Twenty minutes later she seemed fine again and did not throw up anymore. But she refused to eat anything at lunch or supper and told us her tummy hurt. Last night I checked her temperature and she was running a fever so I gave her Tylenol and she was out by 7:30. She woke up at 4 in the morning and told me she was scared of the dark. I checked her temp again and it was normal so I tucked her in and Rob lay with her until she fell asleep again. Lexi woke up, too, so I fed her a bottle and lay with her until she and I both fell back to sleep, thus the delayed post.

Yesterday Lexi had a good day so long as she was in my arms. The two times I left her with Rob to take Zoe to the bathroom, she SCREAMED … literally. She does not like when I leave her with her Daddy, but calms down immediately upon my return. I would have Rob take Zoe when she needs to go potty, but the women’s bathrooms are bad enough, I can only imagine how much worse the men’s rooms are.

Rob had a good day and is thrilled to be at the White Swan. The hotel does not reek of smoke. Rob told me it reminds him of the fresh smell hotels have in Florida. The weather here in Guangzhou is lovely, in the 70s with very low humidity. So he is walking around in shorts and flip flops.

I am tired. We had lunch at Lucy’s yesterday. I ordered a chicken sandwich that came with lettuce. One of my travel mates told me that Lucy’s uses purified water to clean the vegetables so I did eat it. But I am really nervous about that decision now. I woke up with a stomach ache, but it could just be one of my typical stomach aches I get as a result of my surgery eight years ago. In fact, it feels like a normal stomach ache. But I have made a proactive decision and begun a round of Cypro to be on the safe side. With a baby that needs me so desperately right now, I simply cannot afford to get sick.

Rob and the camera are both MIA right now. As soon as they both return, I’ll upload some photos from yesterday. Until then …

Such a cutie patootie!

Bottle time on the plane.

Our beautiful big girl.

We made it to Guangzhou ... YEAH!!!

Enjoying an outdoor lunch at Lucy's.

Mommy of two, giving attention to both
a sick daughter and an active baby.

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