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In China
August 4-6  |  August 7  |  Emme Jade Day!  |  August 9  |  August 10  |  August 11  |  August 12  |  August 13  |  August 14  |  August 15  |  August 16  |  August 17


August 4th - Depart for China

August 5th - Arrive in Shanghai

August 8th - "Emme Jade Day!" in Nanjing

August 12th - Arrive in Guangzhou

August 18th - Depart for Home!

"The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it."  1 Thessalonians 5:24


Children's Welfare Institute of Yangzhou City

“A little girl from a distant land, and we have been chosen to hold her hand.” ~Unknown

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