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Trip to China
Itinerary  |  June 21-22  |  June 23  |  June 24  Forever Day!  |  June 26  |  June 27  |  June 28
June 29  June 30  |  July 1  July 2  |  July 3  |  July 4  |  July 5
“This has been the longest week in world history. Already I walk out the door and don’t even bother to look at the scenery. The only scenery I want to see is a nursery window framing (three) faces.”  -Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Wow! What a trip this has been! I cannot believe we are coming home, finally! We leave early tomorrow morning, Wednesday night for you all in the states. Please pray for safe travels, that Reagan does well on the flights, and that Sean and I do well too. It is going to be very tiring, over 24 hours of nonstop travelling! Our flight leaves Guangzhou at 8:15 AM to Tokyo. We will then fly from Tokyo to Detroit, and then from Detroit to the Tricities. We are supposed to arrive at the airport at 9:27 PM Thursday night. You can check our Travel Itinerary for specifics about the flights. Pray that our girls and my parents have safety driving to meet us there. We are so excited to get home and introduce everyone to Reagan!

'Today was a great day. Reagan has continued to improve. She still sounds bad and has a runny nose, but she doesn't have any fever! Praise God! We give Him all of the glory! We are so thankful to all of you for praying her through this. Please continue to pray for her health and for her to learn how to eat solid foods. We know it will take some time to train her because she is already one year old, so she is smart enough to know when we try to sneak new things in on her. She is so stubborn and refuses to try anything else other than her bottle with formula in it. God will pull her through this too! I want to thank you all for all of your emails and posts containing advice and well wishes for Reagan, but most of all I want to thank you for your prayers. I know that I haven't been able to write any of you back personally, but just know that we read every one and feel blessed by your concern and love. Thank you again!

Today, we went to an elementary school today here on Shamian Island. It was one of the highlights of our trip! We enjoyed it so much! We went into a 4th grade classroom and spoke with the children. They spoke incredible English. We introduced ourselves to them, and then a they took us around there school. They were so excited to speak and spend time with us. We led them in singing "If You're Happy and You Know It." They loved it. Then Sean demonstrated his soccer skills for them. That was their favorite part! A lot of them like England, so they thought they were meeting a star! The kids were great!

Later in the afternoon we went to the Consulate to finish Reagan's visa and for an oath taking ceremony. They explained all of the things to expect in immigration. When we hit Detroit, we will see an immigration officer. We will give the officer "the brown envelope" and show him or her Reagan's passport. When he or she stamps "Naturalized Citizen," she is a US citizen! God bless the USA!

We will never forget this amazing journey that we began at the end of January 2005. It has been amazing! We will cherish every moment of it, the good and the bad. We will remember all of the memories that we have experienced here in Reagan's homeland, and we hope to have been able to document it well enough for her to know this place of her birth! The people here have welcomed us with open arms - and many stares! Most of all, I will remember and thank Reagan's birthmother. She made the best choice - to give Reagan life. I cannot thank her enough for making that sacrifice and for allowing us to raise her as our own. Reagan is OUR child! God had her planned for our family from the beginning of time, but none of this could have happened without one Chinese birthmother's loving choice to give her life and then to place her where she knows she would be found! We may never know her, but we will never forget her, as I am sure she will never forget Reagan.

Ashton and Kieron,

Can you believe it?! We are coming home! I cannot wait to see you at the airport and to hold you tight and hug and kiss you! I also cannot wait for you to meet your little sister that you have prayed so long for! We miss you more than words can say, but we are almost there! Make sure to pray for us and yourselves as we all travel to meet and come together as a Forever Family! We love you so much!

-Mom and Dad

Big sisters,

I am coming home to you tomorrow. I cannot wait to meet you and to get into your stuff! I know you already love me, and I already love you! I am so proud to call you both my Jie Jie's! You will be the best big sisters ever! I love you and cannot wait until I get off of that plane!

- Reagan

Our Guangdong travel group -
one big extended family!

The school we visited on Shamian Island.
It was only a 5 minute walk from the hotel!

Some of the children who led us around
the school with "the soccer star!" HA!

One of the classrooms in the school.

Kids playing table tennis in their free time
at the school.

Isn't she just the cutest little thing?

How did someone make this perfect match a world away? I held you tightly, kissed you softly, and cried. The tears were for you Chinese mother, who could not keep you. I wanted her to know that we would always remember her. And I hoped somehow she knew you were safe and happy in this world.” -I Love You Like Crazy Cakes - by Rose Lewis

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