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May 16, 2006

Dear Sianna…

I just wanted you to know…..that I spoke with our agency today….and…he said…. “Linda I just wanted you to know that we sent your documents to China about a week and half ago…” I listened…I maintained control….I said thank you and yadda yadda yadda….I got off the phone and yelled to everyone at work…WE ARE


No I am not dramatic!!! I am just one happy mother to be!!!!! Ok yes I am dramatic <grin>

He said most likely we would be logged into the system this week…but we would not hear it “offically” until about a month. All I know is this…NOW…every day that passes is a day we are actually, really, for sure, without a doubt…CLOSER TO YOU!!!!!!

I called your daddy right away…he was so excited…we both just let out a big sigh of relief and talked a mile a minute!!!!!

Sianna…this is it…we are on our way!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU times 100000000000000000000.00 and then some!!!!!!

<sigh> Ok so there you have it…I am worn out <grin>

Thinking of you always and loving you more!!!!



May 24, 2006

Hey Buttercup!

Nothing much has changed…we are just “waiting”…but now it is all waiting that is actually going somewhere. Every day that passes is a day we are closer.

We received a “brown envelope” yesterday from China. It was just more forms for us to sign and have ready for when we leave for China..TO GET YOU!!!

I haven’t done anything else on your room…I am getting ready to order your bedding…and OH MY…it is beautiful!!!! Your dad and I will go into your room and look at the light house that stays lit just for you…it helps to see it!

Work is good…it keeps me very busy. Your dad is doing his thing with work and fly fishing as much as he can. We were going to go to Disney World…but we decided we would wait for you to experience it. We are going to go to Hilton Head in August….for some rest…relaxation…and fun!!!! Again…this is a place we are going to take you! And I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!

There are “rumors” that it may take us 14-18 months before we can get you…I am not listening to those right now…I am just taking it day by day and leaving it to God as to when the time is right. I have come a long ways since starting this process…normally I would be freaking out…but now…I have a weird sense of peace in that things are happening just as they should…and I find comfort in this.

This is not say that I am ok with being without you longer…I WANT YOU IN MY ARMS YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However…if I can’t have you with us now…then I can accept that…this is a burnden I will carry as long as I need to…as long as I know in the end….you will be there.

There is not a second of the day that I don’t think about you…and everyone I know asks about you…”when will she come home….” I just smile and say…”soon”.

You are always heavy on my thoughts and tugging at my heart…just know that I love you so much…and although we are a thousand miles away…you are right here with me in spirit….you are already apart of this family…and will always be!!!!!

Love you….love you….love you!!!!!



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