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September 13, 2006


Wow!! These past few months have been a whirl wind! I am not even sure where to begin. Let me first start off with…I LOVE YOU!!!! And the fact I have not been writing as frequently…does not mean you have not been on our minds 24/7! This has just been an extremely stressful and crazy time.

Where I last left off was my vacation…and the news that our LID date was not May but rather June 6th…and I was getting ready to take another vacation in August. Well when I returned from that first vacation…I was noticing that I wasn’t feeling like myself. I was experiencing dizzy spells, light headedness, blurred/double vision. Well I called dad and he recommended I see a specialist for this…and well one thing turned into another and they were testing me for a brain tumor and MS. I was to say the lease…in shock…devastated that in just minutes my life was changing rapidly. Thoughts of losing you were all I could focus on. Your daddy was a champ through this process…he was my rock. Your grandparents were saviors as well. My August vacation turned out to be perfect timing because it was then that my test results would come back. I spent that week in Elk River with your daddy and grandparents. I did my best to try and not focus on the worst case…having MS and not being allowed to adopt you…but those thoughts would not escape my mind….nor my heart. Late in the that week we got results back that ruled in my favor…no brain tumor…and MS was not likely…I was going to be fine. There are no words to express the joy that filled my heart…I was back on track to….YOU!!!!!

Well I came back from vacation a little shaken still…and well…just changed. My priorities were much more clear…and when you are faced with the possibility that your life could drastically change…you realize very quickly what is important. I have worked for LA Weight Loss for 7 years…I had owned and operated 6 locations and gave seriously…all that I had to this business. After selling the company and working for them out of the JC center…things just weren’t the same. I couldn’t put my finger on it before the “big scare”…but once I came back…I knew what it was. It was time to move forward and arrange my life so that I can focus on YOU!!!!! I have a new job that allows me flexibility with my time and it is just a really good set up! Things are starting to come together!

We are over 3 months into the wait…and Oct. 6th will mark four months!!!! We are making progress…I love you Sianna…and I think of you literally every minute of the day!!!! Mommy and Daddy are closer!!!!!!

I will now have the time…and the peace to write to you more often…which I am so thankful for….

I love you to the moon….the stars….and back again…over and over!!!!


September 27, 2006

Dear Sianna,

It is a brisk morning…brrrrr! Your dad headed to Knoxville, TN today for work. I am at the house doing some work…and wanted to write you a little note.

Lets see…we went to your Uncle Will and Aunt Debbie’s house this weekend to celebrate Elizabeth’s 4th Birthday. We got to see their new house and it is beautiful! You are going to have so much fun going over there to visit. They have a swing set and slide that you are going to just climb all over…I can picture it already. Your Aunt Debbie gave us some adorable clothes and shoes for you…I have already put them in your room… Speaking of your room, we haven’t made much progress. We do know what we are going to do with it but are just waiting since this process is taking much longer than anyone expected.

We are going to Hilton Head again this year for Thanksgiving. It will be mom and dad, Bruce and myself and our special guests…Aunt Ida and Aunt JoAnn!!! We are all really looking forward to it… And once again…I hope this is the last Thanksgiving and Christmas without you! I remember thinking last year I would have you by next year. Again, its all in God’s timing…and I am trusting in that faith.

Our sweet Abby is doing well. We still miss our little Bogey boy but having Abby with us makes easier. She just had eye surgery. One of her eyes was blind and we had to have it removed…once she recovers from the surgery she is going to be one happy puppy. And speaking of Abby…when I leave your door to your room open….she sneaks in there and lays down. I think she know you are coming and its like she is waiting for you too. She has smelled EVERYTHING in there…and each time I add something…she has to smell it too. Its like she needs to sign off on her approval that it is ok to put it in there. But she is so gentle with everything in there….she just barely touches it with her nose and then backs away with a look of content.

Your daddy and I are celebrating our 5th year anniversary this Friday! It is hard to believe it has been 5 years….but at the same time I have this sense of security that we have been together for 100 life times.

Well I love you and will be thinking of you always!


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